Notable People and Personalities
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel (1891–1965), German-israeli Mathematician
Adolf Albin (1848–1920), Romanian Chess Player
Adolf Anderssen (1818–1879), German Chess Player
Adolf Appellöf (1857–1921), Swedish Zoologist
Adolf Bastian (1826–1905), German Anthropologist
Adolf Bernhard Christoph Hilgenfeld (1823–1907), German Theologian
Adolf Born (born 1930), Czech Artist And Filmmaker
Adolf Brand (1874–1945), German Journalist
Adolf Busch (1891–1952), German Violinist And Composer
Adolf Butenandt (1903–1995), German Biochemist
Adolf Cluss (1825–1905), German-american Architect
Adolf Daens (1839–1907), Belgian Theologian
Adolf Dassler (1900–1978), German Entrepreneur And Founder Of Adidas
Adolf Deucher (1831–1912), Swiss Politician
Adolf Dymsza (1900–1975), Polish Comedy Actor
Adolf Ehrnrooth (1905–2004), Finnish General
Adolf Eichmann (1906–1962), German War Criminal And Organizer Of The Holocaust
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (1832–1901), Finnish-swedish Explorer
Adolf Etolin (1799–1876), Finnish Explorer
Adolf Eugen Fick (1829–1901), German Inventor
Adolf Friedrich Von Schack (1815–1894), German Poet
Adolf Galland (1912–1996), German Ace Fighter Pilot
Adolf Glassbrenner (1810–1876), German Humourist
Adolf Grünbaum (born 1923) German Philosopher Of Science And A Critic Of Psychoanalysis
Adolf Hedin (1834–1905), Swedish Newspaper Publisher And Politician
Adolf Hempt (1874–1943), Founder Of The Pasteur Institute In Novi Sad, Serbia (1874–1943)
Adolf Hitler (1889–1945), Austrian-born Nazi German Politician, Chancellor, And Dictator
Adolf Hurwitz (1859–1919), German Mathematician
Adolf Hütter (born 1970) Retired Austrian Football Player
Adolf Kneser (1862–1930), German Mathematician
Adolf Lande, Drug-control Official
Adolf Lindenbaum (1904–1941), Polish Mathematician
Adolf Loos (1870–1933), Austrian Architect
Adolf Lu Hitler Marak (born 1948), Indian Politician
Adolf Lundin (1932-2006), Swedish Oil Magnate
Adolf Meyer (1866–1950), Swiss-american Psychiatrist
Adolf Meyer (1881–1929), German Architect
Adolf Noreen (1854–1925), Swedish Linguist
Adolf Oberländer (1845–1923), German Characturist
Adolf Ogi (born 1942) Swiss Politician
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus (1876–1959), German Chemist
Adolf Overweg (1822–1852), German Scientist
Adolf Pilar Von Pilchau (1851–1925), Baltic German Politician
Adolf Reinach (1883–1917), German Phenomenologist
Adolf Rudnicki, Polish-jewish Author
Adolf Schärf (1890–1965), President Of Austria
Adolf Schlagintweit (1829–1857), German Explorer
Adolf Schmal (1872–1919), Austrian Fencer
Adolf Schreyer (1828–1899), German Painter
Adolf Stieler (1775–1836), German Cartographer
Adolf Stoecker (1835–1909), German Theologian
Adolf Tolkachev (1927–1986), Soviet Engineer And Cia Spy
Adolf Von Baeyer (1835–1917), German Chemist
Adolf Von Harnack (1851–1930), German Theologian
Adolf Von Henselt (1814–1889), German Composer
Adolf Von Hildebrand (1847–1921), Sculptor
Adolf Von Sonnenthal (1834–1909), Austrian Actor
Adolf Wilbrandt (1837–1911), German Novelist
Adolf Wölfli (1864–1930), Swiss Artist
Adolf Ziegler (1892–1959), German Painter And Politician