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Name of the Day

(masculine) Kasszandrosz


This name derives from the Ancient Greek name “Kassándrā ‎(Κασσάνδρᾱ),” composed of two elements: “kaínumi (Καίνυμι) kékasmai (κέκασμαι)” (excel, surpass, transcend) plus “anḗr ‎(ἀνήρ) andrós ‎(ἀνδρός)” (man “adult male). In turn, the name means “the one who shines and excels over a man (a person who makes predictions which are never believed but turn out to be true).” In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Her beauty caused Apollo to grant her the gift of prophecy. Kassandros son of Antipatros; (350–297 BC), was a Greek Hellenistic king of Ancient Macedon (305–297 BC), son of Antipater, and founder of the Antipatrid dynasty. He was the namesake of his paternal uncle, Cassander.

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